Sunday, March 30, 2008

It's been a while!

Since we returned from the Central America Adventure blogging has taken the back seat. House renovations, business ventures and an expanding family have occupied the major portion of our lives.

I am still renovating our house in Fernie. I've been at it for 3 years now and there's still a lot to do before it is completed. Linda bought a share of Ghostrider Trading Co., the clothing and gift shop at which she had been working for several years. Recently I have been busy setting up a business to rent our Kaslo property. It is called Kaslo House vacation Lodging and is being managed by an enterprising young lady in Kaslo. (for more info see

Our son Jamie and his wife, Karla returned to Canada with their two children, Aysha and Cohen. They have settled in Fernie. Our daughter Jen and here partner, Dave had a baby girl on new years eve. A beautiful girl name Marley. Needless to say we are enjoying plenty of time with our grandchildren.

It has been a great ski season here in the Canadian Rockie's. One of the best we have experienced since we have been familiar with this area. We didn't spend as much time on the slopes are we did in the past but that's OK. More quality, less quantity. However; after a long winter we are looking forward to the summer. In fact we are getting a jump start on the warmer weather by going on another motorcycle trip to Mexico.

So... time to blog again. I'll try to write daily entries and update the site as much as possible.

The first leg of the trip is through the Sierra Madres and a visit to the Barranca del Cobre area before heading over to the Pacific coast.

Stay tuned...